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Personal Care Attendant Certification Course (Level I)
Meet the Narrators! (2:11)
Duties and Responsibilities
Defining a Personal Care Agency (7:28)
PCA Requirements & Prohibited Services (14:37)
Infection Control & Universal Precautions
The Basics of Germs (1:49)
Avoiding the Spread of Germs (1:28)
Hand Washing Procedures (2:06)
Using Protective Barriers (2:19)
Protecting Your Client From Germs (3:59)
Cleaning the Home of a Client (4:07)
Applying Gloves (0:23)
Grooming & Dressing
Caring for the Feet (4:06)
Shaving (5:39)
Shaving with an Electric Razor (0:55)
Mouth Wash Demonstration (0:32)
Brushing and Combing Hair (4:08)
Caring for the Mouth (9:14)
Effective Communications
What is a "Good" Personal Care Attendant? (3:57)
Types of Communication (1:41)
Elements of Communication (2:53)
Communication Barriers (4:46)
Nutrition & Hydration
Creating a Meal Plan (6:23)
Elder Abuse Prevention and Awareness
Objectives (1:44)
What is Elder Abuse? (4:12)
Abandonment (2:50)
Physical, Psychological & Sexual Abuse (3:54)
Neglect, Exploitation & Isolation (7:27)
Signs of Abuse & Abusive Caregivers (8:25)
Identifying the Victim (2:41)
Mandated Reporting (4:37)
BONUS: Identifying the Need for Hospice Care
What is Hospice? (16:54)
Client Service Plan
What Should You Be Looking For (5:11)
Identifying the Victim
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